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Boys Basketball

7th and 8th Grade Boys Basketball

Registration is now open! 

Practices will start the week of October 21. Please submit your completed registration packet, along with a copy of your physical to the main office by the end of the school day on October 11.

Basketball Registration Packet English
Basketball Registration Packet Spanish

Our coaches for this season:
  Brian Laird- 8th grade head coach
  Candice Smith- 8th grade asst. coach

  Phydell Paris- 7th grade head coach
  Catrina Ho- 7th grade asst. coach

 First Week Practice Schedule-
7th Grade:
Oct 21- 4-5:15pm
Oct 22- 7-8:20am
Oct 24- 7-8:20am
Oct 25- 4-5:15pm

8th Grade:
Oct 21- 7-8:20am
Oct 23- 7-8:20am
Oct 24- 4-5:15pm
Oct 25- 7-8:20am

Game Schedule

Students will be notified of practice times by the coach before the first week of practices.

Practices will be in our gym. Students will have access to the locker room to change into practice clothes for after school practices or change into school clothes for before school practices. Students will be issued an Athletics locker (located in the PE locker room) for use during the season. Practice Schedules will be different for each grade level. 

   If you cannot make it to practice, please reach out to your coach!  

    Westlake will have two teams per grade level. There will be an A team (Varsity) and a B team (JV). Team placement will be determined by the coach after the first week of practices. 

    Teams will play 4 regular season games, and then will play in a single elimination district tournament the last two weeks of the season. For the regular season games, we will play two home games and two away games. Only the A teams for each grade level will play in the district tournament

    Students will get game uniforms. These uniforms will be worn for games and returned at the end of the season. Failure to return a uniform will result in a uniform charge of $100 being added to your student's account. 

    A copy of your child's physical will need to be submitted with the registration packet. If a physical is not submitted, your child will not be eligible to practice/play.

If you have any other questions, please contact Mrs. Smith, Westlake Athletic Director, at




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Here's How:

  • Families can receive 50% off select fees or not have to pay them at all. These include athletic fees, course fees, and activity and field trip fees tied to the curriculum. See the Fees Schedule
  • High school students can receive discounts and/or tuition-relief when preparing for their future; which may include course fees, post-graduation planning, scholarships, state and national testing (including SAT, ACT, AP and IB), and post-secondary enrollment.
  • Schools receive additional funding from the state to enhance the educational experience for all students.
  • Families can qualify for additional resources, such as medical, food and cash assistance, and discounted services like internet.