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Clubs and Activities

ASL Club Ho Fridays 8-8:30am Room D114
Basket Weaving Kaehny 1st and 3rd Wednesdays 3:55-4:30pm Room C113
Battle of the Books Israelson Every other Thursday 7:45-8:30am Library
Color Guard Team Smith Meetings will begin in October Small Gym
Creative Writing Cantwell Wednesdays 3:50-4:50pm C214
The Good Vibes Club Rethinger 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 4:00-4:45pm C113
D.C. Travel Club Capra Meetings start in October G109
D & D Club King Mondays 4:05-5:05pm B102
Debate Club Cantwell First 3 Tuesdays each month 3:50-4:50pm C214

GSA-Gender and Sexualities Alliance
(Formerly Gay Straight Alliance)

Fritsche Every other Thursday 4:00-4:45pm C228
GT Club Israelson Every other Thursday 7:50-8:30am Library
Jazz Club Windham Tuesdays 7:30-8:30am G118
Math Counts Gustafson/Greening Wednesdays 4:00-5:00pm B101
Minecraft Club Smith

Thursdays 7:45-8:15

Percy Jackson Club Fritsche Every other Wednesday 4:00-4:50pm C228
Pokemon Club Ho Thursdays 8:00-8:30am D114
Spelling Bee Queenin/Olson TBD TBD
Star Wars Club Farquharson Tuesdays 8:00-8:30am E111
Student Council Paris Mondays 7:15-8:15am Library
WEB (Where Everyone Belongs)
By invitation only
Hogan/Gustafson/King 2nd and 4th Thursdays 7:45-8:30am Small Gym
Westlake Honor Society
By invitation only
Queenin/Olson First Tuesday of each month 7:35-8:20am TBD
Westlake Running/Walking Club Hinkle Thursdays 8:00-8:30am Track
Wolverine Jazz Choir Makarchuk Tuesdays 4:05-5:05pm G113
Wolverine Jazz Club Windham Wednesdays 7:30-8:30am G118
Wolverine Jazz Ensemble Windham

Tuesdays 4:05-5:00pm Fridays 7:30-8:30am

Wings of Fire Club Wilson 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 3:50-4:30pm C227